Slit Lamp Photography

Slit Lamp Photography


Background illumination for superior photos

Advantage of essential illuminator

Advantage of essential illuminator

Essential background illumination

Many beginning photographers do not understand the need for background illumination.  Your eye is much better in low light levels than any camera. To get a professional photo, the background near the slit needs to be additionally illuminated.  

Include in package

Basic illuminator with color correct LED and rheostat

Basic illuminator with color correct LED and rheostat

Basic illuminator

This light is compact and clips onto your tower.  It has a brightness control as well as an angle  control for important shadowing. 
Same bellow with our diagnostic LED and barrier filter

Same bellow with our diagnostic LED and barrier filter

Our lighting  improves the highly important photographic examination of dry eye’s punctate stain and tear film coating. 

A special Diode fluorescein exciter is used with an large field to show the entire eye!

Clifford Terry,MD
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